For details on challenge #11 see here
If personal growth were a 10, I would be more satisfied with all the other categories. For the most part, though, I feel like I am doing everything I can to improve this category, and feel that I am growing personally because of it, even if it's not as fast as I would like.
If physical environment were a 10, I'd be living in the Caribbean, or someplace like it with blue water. Anything has got to be better than the muddy brown water here, but I can't complain. I have a roof over my head, and a bed to sleep in.
If career were a 10, I'd be able to support myself. Otherwise, I really like what I do.
If money were a 10, I'd be able to support myself, afford recreation, and be able to save for retirement.
If romance were a 10, I'd have a mate that was patient, understanding, and cared like my husband did. I'm not too worried about that right now, though.
If friends/family were a 10, I'd be able to communicate with my family, and I'd have a real social life like my virtual cyber social life. I'm really happy with the friends I've been making blogging, though.
If recreation were a 10, I'd be scuba diving, walking on a beach, doing fun things with friends, like camping, swimming, etc. Again, I really can't complain, because I have plenty of extra time to do my art, and make occasional trips to the arboretum.
If health and fitness were a 10, I'd be healthy and happy. I work really hard at this, and for the most part, do everything I'm supposed to do, but you wouldn't know it, thanks to my depression and physical illness.
Somehow, I'm supposed to get some short term goals out of this to put on my to-do list, which is the next challenge. As far as I can see, I need to just keep doing what I've been doing, working on personal growth, spiritually for health, and therapeutically for family and career, so I'll have more money, and can afford recreation and a new environment [maybe it will help me to spell that word correctly before posting my picture, too].
How do you to-do?
Challenge 12 asks these questions: [for more info click here]
Do you create a series of lists for long and short terms goals and tasks?
What kinds of things do you schedule?
How do you prioritize?
Do you schedule fun things that are just for you?
How do you keep your list - on a calendar, on your computer, in folders?
What do you do with the items you don't get done?
While I've been faithfully journaling for a year now, I just don't do to-do lists. They overwhelm me, so I just keep them in my head, where they still overwhelm me, but I can ignore them. After reading Carla's post on this subject, I decided that I probably should come up with a better method. My research on this involved asking my sister how she does it. She has an electronic planner where she keeps one work related to-do list, and one personal. Her goal is to do three things on the work list a day based on priority, and three things on the personal list each weekend. At the end of the day, she deletes the ones she accomplished, moves priority to the top of the list, and then moves the entire list to the next day. She says that even if there are more than three priority items to be done, which is usually the case with her job, she still keeps her goal at three. If she does more great. If not, the world won't end. She's very successful at her career, and the people she works for, love her. She puts fun things on her calender, but I don't think they go on her to-do list. Because she's in management, her long term goals are written up on regular reports, so her list consists of mainly short term goals. I think I'll try her 3 goal rule, and see if I don't have a better attitude about my to-do lists.
Funny that you and Nikki both did the same two challenges today!
Your little diagram is so neat.
And you condensed everything so nicely!
You did a good job on this.
I see goals here. You might have to make some of them a little more . . . um . . attainable . . or dream really big! I mean, maybe you could walk on the beach more often, or scuba dive or whatever a little more than you do--if not daily, LOL!
It sure is hard balancing Money and a job you like--I had that problem for YEARS AND YEARS working at the science museum.
Attainable! That's it! I couldn't figure out why I'm not getting any short term goals out of this exercise, other than to keep doing what I'm doing. These are all long term goals. I guess the only way I know how to dream is big. I need to find a way to be more satisfied short term. Nikki is obviously more satisfied with her life than I am.
DREAMING BIG is GOOD! But you need to break it into bite-sized chunks.
If you REALLY wanted to live in the Bahamas, for example, how might that be possible?
I have a friend who lives there. I could ask her about jobs and housing.
But you could say that you wanted to move there in ten years, what steps would you take and make a list, and then start on the first thing on the list (eg, research job possibilities.)
That's just an example. You have to weigh that choice against the others.
You're doing great on personal growth and career.
I know Nikki is pretty darn happy with her HUBBY! (Most of the time). That gives a big boost of contentment. As does progressing on her novels and poetry. And art.
If we give her a chance though, I know she also has a long list of complaints and problems, too, like health. Like me. LOL!
But I gotta get going--head for the bank.
he he he I always admire other people with a sense of humor and feel that mine is deficient. LOL.
(I laugh hard and loud and embarrassingly at stupid slapstick stuff like "Weekend at Bernies!" and "The Three Stooges." I have a very immature sense of humor. (WAHN!)
(PS I actually enjoy many of the stupid jokes that get circlated through email--but I get overwhelmed if I get too many of them).
I'd like 3 or so in the morning and 3 more at night. No more than that. LOL!
I've been looking for jobs online with retirement communities in the Mexican Caribbean and Belieze. Bahamas works, too! I'd appreciate it if you would ask your friend. When you get a chance, of course [like after going to the bank ***wink***].
I have a special place in my dad's heart, because I'm the only one who laughs at his jokes, while everybody else groans. And, it's not forced. I really think they're funny. I don't think our sense of humor is deficient. I think it's so well developed, that we get to laugh more than everybody else.
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