A couple of Saturdays ago, my sister had a reception to celebrate her marriage [she eloped]. Caught up in all the festivities, I drank four glasses of wine. Granted, it was two more than I usually do, but it was over a period of seven or eight hours, which included dinner and dancing. I was sick for three days! Now, I did not stumble, vomit, pass out, or have memory blackout at any time during the evening. In fact, I can remember everything, and although I remember having a good time, I did not have enough fun to warrant a three day hangover. On Sunday, my brains sloshed so bad that I could not sit vertical without getting sick to my stomach. I was forced to remain horizontal for most of the day. Even on Wednesday, my eye lids still felt like lead balloons. To apply any pressure was painful. The worst part, though, was those day after voices that stab you all over with insecurities, telling you how stupid you are. I prayed that God help me to never drink again, because I well know that even though those voices are the most painful part, they are the easiest to forget.
The hard part is that I don't usually get sick like this when I drink, only every once in a while, and then I won't drink again for months, sometimes years. The last time this happened, I had kidney problems and went for about four months before having a drink again. It starts out slowly with only a drink or two socially, occasionally, maybe once every other week. It doesn't affect me, so after a while, I let my guard down; usually on a special occasion like this, where family comes in town, then we drink a couple of nights in a row, and I get sick. It causes my RA to flare up and joints to hurt, exasperates my chronic fatigue, screws up my kidneys, and drives my sugar levels crazy. The worst part is emotional, and what it does to my self esteem. It's obviously a problem.
So, I'm admitting that this problem has become unmanageable, and that I need God's help in avoiding alcohol.
Well, you've taken a good first step!
What a bummer that you reacted that badly!
But you had a warning and now it is time to take care of yourself! DO IT NOW!!!!!
I can't drink either, and I react differentially, too!
I think it had to do with the toxic load in the body! And that toxic load can be affected by what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, etc--meds yr on, all kinds of things.
But you know you can't do it, and you NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
Working the steps is a good way to help yourself stay away from drink!
get help if you can (go to AA?) Come here?
(You know, I had an issue with drinking and I stopped drinking and went more than 25 years without drinking. [but now I have an issue with food].) I tried drinking again, and occasionally do it again, but I always rediscover that it is NOT a good idea for me.
cool photoart and poetry.
Thanks Mary. It's definitely a toxic overload to an dysfunctional immune system, like you and I suffer from. Thanks for your encouragement. I'm glad we have this blog!
I'd like to spend more time on the blog--I think I'd profit from it and be healthier!!!!
Talking about it with a real person helps keep it in focus. Otherwise, I tend to SLIP!!! "Forget!" DO stupid things (like tonight! WAHN!)
Keep up the GOOD WORK! It works if you work it!!!
I'm going to make it a goal to regularly post to this blog. I got lost for a while and lost focus. I do believe this helps us. Thanks for being the real person who helps keep it in focus :D
I need help too, and this helps me stay focused too!
I keep wanting to do it too! Aiee!
It's important! (I think!)
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