A banana tree flower that once had an abundance of bananas on it's stem.
I like Mary's idea of making a list of the things we have plenty of. It's another form of the gratitude list.
I have an abundance of:
- time to work on creative things
- spiritual things, ie. literature and meetings
Hmmm. That's all I can think of. Ok, here's my gratitude list.
I'm grateful for:
- the time and supplies I have for doing creative things [like my camera, so I can take pictures of banana flowers:]]
- the spiritual things, and God providing for me what I need
- having the necessities like shelter, food [not really an abundance of that, money's tight and I'm hungry right now, but I'm not starving] and clothes [I can get by for a little while longer on what I have]
- my computer when it works, and my blogging friends, like Mary, Yea!
- being able to pay my bills this month
- my sister-in-law who is going to take me out the family ranch with her for Thanksgiving this year, so I have something to look forward to
Ok, this has taken me over an hour to do. I've been pretty depressed, but I did it. I can see how Mary struggled with hers last week [or was that the week before?]. Today, work was difficult because of the pain, but I drew in my sketch book, and now I'm playing on the computer to take my mind off of my money and medical problems. I'm doing ok. I'll survive.
In this one moment, I'm okay!
I'm tired, but I'm OKAY!
I'm a little cranky, but OK.
This was a good list! I appreciate the time and struggle.
I am grateful for:
*the good food I had to eat today.
*The love and companionship and patience of my husband.
*YOU! (Blue Rose).
*My children and friends.
*warmth in the house. (It's cold outside--very cold!)
*sleep when I get it, and I'd better go try!
Take care of yourself, and may you have new abundance and much to be grateful for.
You've brought a smile to my face. I hope you sleep well!
I slept a little better.
I am grateful for:
*Hearing and seeing Evelyn Glennie last night--what a virtuoso!
*my husband and children
*my friends, YOU!
*the breakfast my husband made for me.
*a little more sleep
*beauty, and the ability to perceive beauty. The ability to see and enjoy it
* poetry
Wow! I never thought to put dreams on my list. I am very greatful for them. I guess I just take them for granted. Glad to hear you got some sleep, and good list :]
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