LOOK! I'm in England!

It landed on my doormat Tuesday (thanks Mike) and here it is on my table, waiting for inspiration to tickle my creative nodes. Great to see all your work first hand, and it is very inspiring. I can't wait to get started, if only I was in more. Need some more so-called Arctic weather to keep us indoors.

Posted By Johnnynorms to Moleskine Exchange at 11/27/2008 03:05:00 PM
Oops, I posted this by mistake. I was trying to send it to an alternate email address and typed it in wrong. BUT I think I will leave it, if you don't mind, as a gratitude thing! YAY! My artwork has arrived in England and I am grateful for that. And it will come back with other people's art in it! Wahoo! I want to do a gratitude list for Thanksgiving; we were too busy then.
- I am grateful my Mole is touring around and will come back to me with art from all over.
- I am grateful for BB who is out chopping leaves for the garden (mulch).
- I am grateful for his love.
- I am grateful for PB's musical ability and his health and well-being and the physical contact we had yesterday--I got to be close to him for a change on the couch at the family gathering.
- My daughters and their health, safety and well-being.
- Time to be grateful.
- Family time.
- Good food.
- Solo time, solitude.
- Sunshine (not today).
- my new light therapy lamp which might help me sleep better.
- Beauty and the ability to appreciate beauty.
- The things we have. (I am remembering how we lost 4 things and found them again and how grateful we were to have them back.)
Looks like fun! I seem to be more into poetry these days, though. I don't think I'd keep up with drawing right now.
I'm grateful for the trip I just got back from, and the time I got to spend with my husband's family. Unfortunately though, I seem to struggle with the same thing you do when you get back from trips, exhaustion. Ugh.
Poetry is good. I wonder why I seem to have switched much of my attention to art?
I hope you get rested up and feel better! :-D Did you have fun?
I am having a terrible desire to eat bad food.
Funny you say that. I wonder why I've switched my attention to poetry. I guess we just go through phases :]
I did have fun, but no, I've not been sleeping much. I figured out why today. That time of the month. I'll be sleeping for the next week now.
I'm sorry about your craving! Try a glass of water. A lot of times we get bad cravings when we're dehydrated. I hope it's not because of all the digging into the past you've been doing. If you need to vent, I'm here.
Well, I just did a poem, but I am concentrating on art right now partly because of Christmas. Also I think I turned away from poetry as my "first love" after the MFA because I got a burnt out and discouraged. Art is just something I do for FUN! Poetry now is supposed to be "good."
Digging into the past, in this care fairly literally as I am unpacking old boxes--is very upsetting, and does make me want to eat, but there is also the addictive craving that lasts several days after I eat addictive substances (sugar). The two together are deadly!
I would like to write about it, but had an extremely bad night last night and am EXHAUSTED and overwhelmed (again).
by the way, I wrote a new poem and attempted to post it to Twelve and Blogger wasn't working--last I knew, it another post still didn't post. If I have time, I will try again later.
My interests do tend to go in cycles. I usually return to the same favorites over and over, but my attention moves from one to another over time (and back).
I may be burned out from drawing when the year of moles is up!
After caving to a craving two days ago, and binging badly, I managed to AVOID it yesterday--if I can do it for three or four more days, I might get past it.
I have the same problem with sugar. When I was dredging up the worst from my past [some anger I didn't realize I was still carring, I believe I wrote about here on this blog], I got severely depressed and gave in to eating bad occasionally. It was hard work! The anger I felt toward my family for not being there to help me with my mother is what brought it all up. There's a light at the end of the tunnel now. I'm not as overwhelmed by anymore.
Hang in there! One day at a time! I know you've survived worse. We both have, huh? :]
Like you, I think I got burned out [me art, you writing], because of having to do it for a living. Takes some of the fun out of it, doesn't it?
I hope you're able to get some rest today. Sounds like you really need it. STOP- isn't there an AA saying about not letting yourself get too tired [or is it HALT?]. Might be halt- hungry, tired, lonely...? Anyway, I'm sure you already know this :]
HALT! YUP, thanks for reminding me--but it is hard when I start soemthing--I want to finish it--I can be really obsessive that way.
I do remember when you were upset about not getting family help with your Mom! I hope everything straightens out somehow.
I'm going to go have lunch. It's snowing here.
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