In this Wings Challenge we were to define abundance and come up with an Allowing Statement to help us overcome limiting attitudes that are blocking us from having what we want. As I was working on defining what abundance means to me, I began to realize that I would need to be able to think clearly to attain the things I want. In my life of abundance, I would be able to worship, love, create artistically, and learn to my full potential without my vision being clouded by depression or anxiety. I went on to write about the health and peacefulness that would result, and how I would be celebrating abundance with others who appreciate the same things. This is how I see abundance.
So, when answering the question, "Is there anyone I know who has what I want?", I wrote, "Yes, a friend of mine who, in spite of her disease, is able to find peace and quiet her anxieties through prayer." It wasn't until after writing that statement that I realized I had just written my Allowing Statement. You'd think that this would be a very simple and obvious conclusion to come to, but it wasn't really the answer I was expecting to get from this challenge. Who knows what I was looking for, but I'm quite sure this is what I needed to find, even though prayer does not come easy to me.
As for my visual representation of abundance, water is very symbolic of spiritual things to me. The clear water in this picture is full of life and it's abundant colors.
In wrapping up the challenge, we're reminded again of the importance of a gratitude list to create positive energy. My list today includes yesterday's, because that when I worked on all of this.
1. The thing I'm grateful for the most today is the feeling that God guided me in this challenge to what I needed the most. I'm sure I have many more limiting attitudes that need work, but I now feel intuitively sure that this is what I should be focusing on.
2. I'm grateful for the chance I had to see an ex-boyfriend the other day. The reason is because he had quit drinking, and is now going to AA. I could see a difference in him, his demeanor, and the way he talked. And even though I could never date him again, it made me so happy to see that he was turning his life around. The joy I felt surprised me. I nearly cried. Then he apologized to me for the things he had done. I could see he was working the steps, and took my share of the responsibility by saying, "I let you do those things." When I was driving home, I was overcome with a peaceful feeling and a sense of closure.
3. I'm grateful for the beautiful weather we've been having, because I can take my clients to the park for their workouts. Exercise has been difficult and painful for me lately, and the beautiful weather helps me to forget my pain.
4. I'm grateful for the poetry challenges I've been participating in lately, because they've motivated me to start writing again. Yea!
YAY! A beautiful representation and work! Great goals and a nice anecdote/story to go with it!! WAHOO! Good work.
Thank you for your post inspiring me to get back to doing these challenges.
YAY! Such a nice post!
If we could only get balanced! Find the right balance.
I wonder if we really can feel good.
I do, sometimes. But rarely. Mostly I feel depressed or guilty.
I hope you don't mind my having used moths, like your butterflies! They seemed like such a good symbol! Beauty, rebirth. Rebirth into a new healthier life.
I'm thinking balance is just something we'll always have to work at, at least until we reach perfection ;]
I've been feeling a little better lately, but I think it's because I'm back on the SAM-e [for depression] again. All my problems are the same. As far as really being able to feel good, well, I'll take what I can get, and use the good times to work on the things I can improve. I'm really hoping, though, to be able to find some peace, like the friend I wrote about. I mostly feel depressed and guilty, too, but I still think that I can change that. This challenge helped to reinforce that hope for me.
And, I love the mothes! I like your picture better than mine. Mine looks kind of dark next to your bright cheerful one. I might try brightening mine up.
Ok. Here's the brighter version. I still like yours better ;]
I like your giving the butterflies the symbolism of rebirth into a healthier life. I decided to give the rest of them meaning, too. The tree can be emotional growth. The dragonfly can be balance as he's balancing on emotional growth. The frog can be adaptability [see clearly either way], because he can live in water [spirituality] and on land [life]. The turtle can be security [free from guilt and anxiety], because of his hard shell. And, the fish can be... oh I don't know. He has to be love and creativity somehow, but I'm not sure how. It's late, and I need to go to bed now. I'm sure it has to do with the way he can swim through the water [spirituality]. :}
Oh that is brighter, how pretty! Nice colors! I like your symbolism!
I'm really tired too--had one more thing I wanted to do before bed.
I share a bed with BB, so I'm not eager to go get in with him. But I am really tired.
We all have problems, of a greater or lesser degree, but we still have them--it's how we deal with them and how we feel day to day that matters and if the SAm-e or whatever it is helps you feel better, that's good, right?
I'm still dressed in my red velvet jacket and my lace blouse and jewelry (that I only wear to go out) because I'd thought BB might come back for me. My poor pretty lace blouse is starting to unravel a little. Like my life, LOL!
I will take your tree being emotional growth and also strength and stability. I don't have a frog, turtle or fish visible, but they must be there in the water. :-D
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