Monday, July 20, 2009


No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

Many people hold onto a grudge because it offers the illusion of power
and a perverse feeling of security. But in fact, we are held hostage
by our anger. It is never too late to forgive. But you can forgive too
soon. I am especially wary of what I call "saintly forgiveness."
Premature forgiveness is common among people who avoid conflict.
They're afraid of their own anger and the anger of others. But their
forgiveness is false. Their anger goes underground. I define forgiving
as letting someone back into your heart. This returns us to a loving
state -- and not merely within the relationship -- we feel good about
ourselves and the world. True forgiveness isn't easy, but it
transforms us significantly. To forgive is to love and to feel worthy
of love. In that sense, it is always worthwhile.

1 comment:

bluerose said...

I've been wanting to go through and read every post that I've gotten behind on, but that seems too daunting right now, and this one really caught my eye. I don't want to be angry at my family, but I don't want to let them into my heart anymore. I don't want them to use me or hurt me anymore. I just want them out of my life. I don't want to be angry anymore. It seems like the only way to get rid of the anger is to get them out of my heart. I'm probably not thinking very clearly anymore. I guess four months of having my dad stay with me is taking a toll.

As usual, I don't have long to stay and read more. I have to get ready for my next client. I miss you.