Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No Escape

No Escape, by Mary Stebbins Taitt. Abuse is hell. I started seeing a therapist. We were talking about my earlier life.


bluerose said...

Wow! Such a disturbing picture! I hope it helps. Sometimes the most disturbing ones are the most therapeutic. I hope you're doing ok.

I know how hard it is both mentally and physically to have to drudge all the past up again, but for me, it's definitely been worth it.

To me, the hardest part of abuse has been the mental part, but then I've never had to be taken to the emergency room. Nevertheless, it seems that part [the humiliation] lasts for years, while the bruises heal within days or weeks. And then, the mental part ends out affecting you again physically years later.

Self esteem seems so hard to rebuild once someone has torn it down. You think you've finally got it put back together, and then you realize there are a few pieces missing. Therapy has helped me find some of those pieces, but getting them put back into their places is not easy. Especially when there are people around you, who unwittingly keep saying things that tear it down again. It's easy to do, because until those pieces can get put back into their places, you're left vulnerable, exposed, and very sensitive to the things other people say. That's why it's so hard to be around my family right now.

This picture goes very well with your poem "Can of Worms". I hope everything's ok.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks for all this. It depends on how you define OK.

I went to the therapist hoping to work on whatever issues might be contributing to my current insomnia and overweight.

But of course, talking about it hurts and stirs of shame and pain--ugh--embarrassing.

It's too bad you can't somehow take a little break from your family. Not a permanent one, just a temporary break.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

My self-esteem is NOT very good.

One of the things they say in twelve step groups is that what other people think of me is none of my business. I have a really hard time with that.