Monday, January 5, 2009

What's Important?

In order to prioritize and make choices, one needs to determine what's important in life.  I've had this discussion before with myself, and one might imagine that by the time I am 62 and a half years old, I'd have this down, but I don't.  I feel a little fuzzy and confused.  SO here goes again, for January 2009:

I guess at least to start out with, I will do these as bullets rather than trying to number them and put them in order.

  • #1 LIFELINE:  LIFE and as a subcategory of life, health and safety.  Our lives are almost always the most important priority.  Only rarely does something become more important than life itself.  And, in order to sustain life, we need good health and health services, a healthy diet, exercise, sleep, shelter, warmth, reasonable clothing, and so on.  AND SAFETY--fire safety, driving safety, travel safety, etc.  Even though I said I wasn't going to prioritize these, I am calling this PRIORITY ONE--LIFELINE.  Behaviors and activities that support LIFE and HEALTH (Good health supports a long health life.).  Everything related to life, health and safety of MYSELF and my family and secondarily, my pets, friends, and other people, all these are priority ONE and come first.  The individual parts of it need to be prioritized according to importance and urgency, but all are high priorities.  As a subcategory of health, mental, emotional and social health.  Because these things can effect one's well-being in serious (and sometimes fatal) ways, they belong in THIS category, but can sometimes be given slightly lower priority.  Work & finances falls into this category, because without work, there is no income, and without income there is no food, shelter, clothing etc.  That puts a lot of things though, in the number ONE category.  They still need to be further divided in some way so choices can be made.  There are also lifeline tasks for pets, plants etc, but these definitely fall into a lower priority than life itself.  Life is somewhat more important than health, because health if lost can usually (but not always) be regained.  Safety, however is a top priority, with excellent health maintenance right behind it.  One car accident can wipe out life or health in a single blow.
  • Social:  family, extended family, friends, other people.  Very important.  We cannot live (or live well) without social connections.  These need to be supported, encouraged,  sought after and sustained.
  • Creativity.
  • Education.
  • Recreation. Fun.
  • Spiritual
  • Community/World/Environment:  this is also a lifeline category, of sorts--if the environment is bad, then our health and lives are not sustained; if war comes here, then we may die in war.  And then there are the lives and well-being of others to be considered.
  • Personal Growth/Healing
  • Love and Romance
  • work, career:  for me, this is where my writing comes in and I want to make that a high priority!  Aiee.
  • health and fitness. (an important subcategory of life.)
  • chores and tasks.  Why do we do chores and tasks?  Because they are necessary to life and our priorities.  They are subcategories of other priorities.  They can be divided into life-related tasks, eg, shopping for food so we won't starve to death and other tasks, eg:  cleaning the house so we can live in a supportive and healthy environment, so it will be welcoming to our friends and family.

At some point, these things get muddled up because they overlap.  Some take up larger portions of time and energy because life, for example, mostly seems to sustain itself until it doesn't.  We don't think of it as a separate category.  And some of these were already mentioned under life.  I think I need to do this.  Why is it so HARD for me, so totally difficult.  Is it my ADHD?  Am I mentally deficient?  Am I an idiot?

Now that I have written this down, it seems sort of silly. 

But I need a way to think about my choices.  I don't know why this seems so difficult for me.  This doesn't really help me divide up my time and energy.  I feel as if I am floundering with this.  I feel overwhelmed by thinking about this for some reason today, and I am going to put it aside for now and walk to the store, accomplishing , I hope, the lifeline tasks of exercising, light dose, and shopping for food.

If you can articulate what's important, let me know!!

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