Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good News and Bad Regarding my Weight and gratitude for the Holidays and New Year

Good News and Bad Regarding my Weight

It's the new year and time to try again to lose weight. The good news is that I weight 24 pounds LESS than I weighed a year ago. Yeah, I know, I don't look a bit different and I still look fat, but I do weigh less and my clothes are a little looser and more comfortable. The further good news is that I only gained about 8 pounds over the holidays from Thanksgiving through New Year's, which will be easier to lose again, I hope, than the 25 or so I gained last year over the holidays. The bad news is that I am about 20 pounds heavier than I was at my lowest during the summer, and I am sick with all the usual problems I get when I travel. I have a sore throat, probably from eating dairy products inadvertently. I have pain in my feet and joints etc., the usual, somewhat exacerbated by bad food. The good news is that it is not as bad as it often is after I travel. Worse than normal, but less worse. I attempted to be extremely careful.

I am starting a diet, gradually at first, but then escalating, I hope. I can never predict the course of these things, but I intend to keep trying. Health first, weight loss second. Exercise.

I will report back. I hope. Sometimes, I get so busy I just cannot keep track of things or blog.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to You! :-D May 2009 be the best year yet for you personally and for the country and world.

I am grateful that:

  1. I got to see my children (YAY!) and some of my friends over the holidays!
  2. I weigh less than I did a year ago.
  3. Our traveling both to and from NY was safe and relatively uneventful.
  4. I did not gain as much as I sometimes do over the holidays.
  5. I did not get as sick as I sometimes do over the holidays.
  6. I am home. (Even though I enjoyed seeing everyone--my kids and friends! YAY!)
  7. I had bird food for the birds and squirrels.
  8. My African violets and houseplants survived without me and are still alive.
  9. I have another opportunity to get back on track with my health and weight.
  10. There is beauty to enjoy while traveling.
  11. My husband loves me and tries to please me and make me happy.
  12. I wrote two drafts of a new poem to bring in the new year.
  13. I got nice gifts for Christmas from hubby and children etc.
  14. I enjoyed lots of good food over the holidays and last night.
  15. There is another new year to grow and heal and see beauty and be creative in.

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