Sunday, June 8, 2008

Leaping from the Mire

"One cannot leap from the mire. We shall take time to lay firm ground
to the whole meaning of health again. G.T. Wrench, The Wheel of
Health, p 44

I always wish I could pull myself up by the bootstraps. I want to have
my cake and eat it, too, and still be thin.

I want to be radiantly healthy and live a long happy life but not have
to change anything I am doing because that's too hard.

I want to be lifted from this veil of tears straight up to heaven by
the angels. Of course I mean bypass death and dying and just be
completely happy. And not lave to leave behind the people I love.

This world is hard. I have it easy, I know I do, and it is still hard.

ONE DAY AT A TIME, one step toward the thousand mile journey.
Right now, I feel depressed and want to eat something "bad." I know it
will give me a temporary lift, but then I will feel worse than ever.

I'm gritting my teeth. One minute at a time. I want to not eat anything bad.

Food. To be healthy, you have to eat all the right good things in
right good quantities and avoid the bad things. At least if yr me,
you do.

1 comment:

bluerose said...

Oh... my comment's a little late, but I hope you're feeling better. I've been wallowing in a mire of my own for the last couple of weeks. I'm trying to get back on track again. These posts are good reminders. Thanks.