Saturday, June 7, 2008

Making THIS DAY a 10 (First things First)

Nebulous longings for far away things don't help me this day to be
happy and feel a sense of abundance.

SO to make this day a TEN, here's what would help:

*revise my two new Geraldine poems and file them (or at least one
of them) (P1)
*scales: Backyard Journal: Peonies (opt)
*examine Frog Haven for a peephole sized project and do it. Save
to thumb drive.
If I only get the first done,it will still be a ten for work.
2)& Fun Recreation:
*I hope that will be a 10 be the festival we hope to attend later.
3)Health, safety
*eat three healthy meals (avoid junk food at festival)
*get enough exercise
*bed by 11:30 PM
*drive safely to festival
4)Personal growth
*time allowing, write more about my goals etc and plan a diet and schedule
*if no time is available for writing (above) do only next
item--that is enough
*stay in the moment and savor at the festival
*see spiritual
5)Physical environment
*pick up, put away, file
*Back burner item: insurance on new house (ask K for info)
*hold hands with HC, sit close to HC at Festival
*hug him
*tell him I love him :-)
8)Friends and family
*time allowing, cards for T & RM
*time allowing, read blogs, BB, N, etc leave comments, return comments
*enjoy festival with K
*TC (T'ai Chi), med (meditate), BDG (Ba Duan Jin)

These are all things I can do to help make this day a ten, time allowing.

Other things that would help is good weather (at least not a lot of
rain) for the festival) and no unexpected bad things.

Getting distracted and procrastinating will not add to my well-being
and happiness. THESE are my priorities, starting with eating
healthily and doing my work and loving HC! FIRST THINGS FIRST!

1 comment:

bluerose said...

I'm going to try to get back to this, too. I started a list, but never finished it.

I like the way you worded it. "SO to make this day a TEN, here's what would help..." This way you don't feel like you have to do everything on the list. Good idea.

Way to prioritize! :]