Thursday, June 19, 2008

to-do (first things first)

I am still cogitating about my to-do list. I am unsatisfied with it
and with how I view it.

Priorities. What ARE they, really? Is making a piece of art a
legitimate use of time or an escape from what I should be doing? Who
defines art? I spent several days workingon this--was it worth the
time? What makes something worthwhile. I keep wondering.


bluerose said...

I bet Van Gogh wondered the same thing when he was jobless and dependent on his brother financially. Aren't you glad he decided to paint anyway?

Your picture is really lovely, and definitely worthwhile.

isabella mori said...

i love the images here on this blog!

i went to a workshop a little while ago and they talked about a "to done" list - when we are overwhelmed by to do lists, we can start or end the day with a list of things we've accomplished.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Blue Rose and Isabella!

I sometimes keep a list of things I've accomplished (daily, and a sort of life-list). It makes me feel better about myself when I start feeling overwhelmed and mired. :-)