Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Putting the cart before the horse

I think decluttering is ESSENTIAL for clearing and healing, but before I can even do that, I have to get back to eating properly.  I am feeling utterly exhausted and terrible and it is hard for me to work at all when I am this tired.  I've gotten a small start on eating better today, and tomorrow I will try to work even harder at it.  I need to create a plan.  But I don't have time right now.


bluerose said...

Oh, I can't function with clutter. I get overwhelmed. But, my life gets cluttered everytime I feel bad. Then it's a catch 22. The clutter makes me feel bad, but I can't organize until I'm feeling better. What a mess I become.

I bet you need a day of rest, like you did after your last trip, so your chronic fatigue wouldn't kick in.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Well, I haven't had much rest becaes of my insomnia, and I had to babysit for 7.5 hours for the grandchildren, but one of these days! LOL! I do feel a little better--I was pretty sick when we got back. Bummer that going on vacation makes me sick!

My clutter and my diet are escaping me.