Monday, November 24, 2008

Small + Smart = Success

Small + Smart = Success (A Wings for you Challenge)

My goals for now and the New Year 2009 (Remember, a new year starts every day and every moment!) are as follows:


Ø      Lose weight

Ø      Get healthy

Ø      Improve my sleep

Ø      Work on my issues

Ø      Unpack my boxes

Ø      Finish the Geraldine MS and begin finishing the Sissy Ms etc

Ø      Improve my relationship with my husband, son, daughters, friends

Ø      Improve my ability to communicate


Ø      Spend more time in nature

Ø      Improve my art

Ø      Get the house clean and organized

Ø      Improve the gardens

Ø      Improve my financial situation

Ø      Have fun

Ø      Continue and improve my personal and spiritual growth


OK, now for the small and smart:


  1. Weight:  try over Thanksgiving and other holidays not to totally lose control.  And THEN, begin immediately to eat right.  Do an abstinence-1 diet for at least ONE WEEK immediately following an eating even, and continue it until my weight is three pounds below where it was before the eating event.  Then continue if possible.
  2. Ask BB TODAY to bring me one box from the basement to unpack.  Unpack it.  Do it again in a few days.  (After Thanksgiving.)
  3. Within ONE WEEK from today, locate the information about the doctors I was supposed to see.  If not found, call and ask for the information again next Monday!


That is enough for right now.  If I can work with these two things as soon as I am able to, I will add more later.


I make New Year's resolutions almost every year, and things generally improve for a while.  I also make them at my birthday (a new year) and other times throughout the year.  It always helps for a while, and then I backslide.


I am feeling overwhelmed with things I have to do, so I want to not try to take on too much extra.  I am meeting with my financial adviser tomorrow, so that is one small step toward one of my goals.

I would like to report that last year, one of my resolutions was to lose weight and I did lose weight and I am still less than I was last January.  Another resolution was to work on the Geraldine MS and I did and made good progress.  I didn't finish it, but I made good progress. 

Gratitude list:

  • I am still lighter and thinner than I was last January
  • I made good progress on Geraldine
  • I slept a little better and a little longer last night
  • I had an interesting dream
  • I am grateful for:  trees, birds, birdflight, love, touch, companionship, good food


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

OK, I asked BB for a box. Let's see how it goes--Aiee!

bluerose said...

Yea! You took the first step. This is a good challenge. I use these steps with my clients. I have them keep a journal with their goals on the first page. We re-evaluate every six weeks. That's the key, I think, to making the small step process work [aside from being specific, first person positive, and attainable]. So, not only have we set a deadline, but also a day when we come up with the next set of goals. It really works when my clients are willing to do it. Most of them aren't. I'm set to re-evaluate my goals at the first of the year.

bluerose said...

Oh yeah, I like that you made a list of your achievements from last years goals. I need to do that. I should probably get my clients to do that, too. Good idea!