Thursday, May 29, 2008

First things First

One of the Slogans of the Twelve Step programs is, FIRST THINGS FIRST!

While this is a pretty basic concept, it turns out to be quite difficult for some people, myself included.

I tend to procrastinate doing the important things and waste a lot of time on unimportant things.

For example, I was up until after 1 Am the other night walking because I am required to walk every day and I hadn't done it yet. I hadn't done it becasue I'd been blogging. Which is more important. Walking or blogging. In this case, WALKING was what I should have been doing.

Trying to decide what the first things are or should be is not easy either.

The absolute first things are what I call LIFELINE: breathing, drinking (water), eating (and appropriate food preparation), sleeping (oh-oh!), working (to get money to buy food and shelter), and so on, and then, caring for family, pets, animals, garden--things that will die or become sick etc if not cared for.

After that, there are some somewhat less "necessary" but still very important things: family and friends (balanced social time), creativity, giving back, spiritual times, rest, meditation.

Later, entertainment.

I need to look at the things I do and see where they fit. I waste a lot of time on blogging and playing on the computer and facebook and internet junk that could be put to better use.

But--right NOW--the FIRST thing I need to do is go to bed. And sleep.

4th step items:

  1. I tend to procrastinate.
  2. I waste time on meaningless activities.
  3. I forget the importance of "First things first."
  4. I have trouble sorting out first things. and prioritizing.
  5. I am often easily distracted from my work.
OK, four good things:
  1. I have good powers of concentration once I get going.
  2. I mean well and care.
  3. I have good intentions.
  4. I am creative.
  5. I try.
OK Bed! Sleep! First things! NOW!

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