Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weekly Gratitude List

Weekly Gratitude List

I am feeling very depressed today.  I may right about that later.  If I have time.

I started out wanting to do my weekly gratitude lists on Sunday, because of the spiritual nature of the day and the "rest" nature of the day.  But HC* works 6 days a week, ten hours a day, and Sundays are the only days I have with him.  We are usually very busy.  So I switched to Mondays.  But Monday night I have my poetry class, so I usually spend my spare time trying to prepare for that.  Here it is Wednesday and I have yet to do them.

Gratitude List for Week of May 7, 2008

  1. I am grateful for sunshine.  It cheers me when I am depressed and warms me when I am cold and lights of my life and my heart when I am sad.
  2. I am grateful for spring.  It is a little rebirth every year.  It cheers me when I am sad.
  3. I am grateful for trees, their grace.  Their beauty.
  4. I am grateful for this computer I am writing on and for Jacob's help with it.
  5. I am grateful for flowers, their beauty.
  6. I am grateful for sleep, when I get it.  It is so needed, so valuable, so important.
  7. I am grateful for ease of bodily functions when things work right.
  8. I am grateful for--thank you very much--less pain than sometimes today.
  9. I am grateful for smiles and hugs and human touch.
  10. I am grateful for family and friends and their relative good health and safety.
  11. I am grateful we do not have a war here and wish no one did.
  12. I am grateful George Bush will soon be out of the White House.
  13. I am grateful for beauty in the world and the ability so see it and appreciate it.
  14. I am grateful for music, the beauty of music, and its healing soothing properties.
  15. I am grateful for the changing pageant of the seasons and the days.
  16. I am grateful for the opportunity to write.  And to do art.  And to learn.
  17. I am grateful for the opportunity to travel to Slovenia etc.  TWICE!
  18. I am grateful for the opportunity to visit California with Gail and to visit Colorado and see the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and my brother and White Owl Lake etc.
  19. I am grateful for HC.  (*My husband, Hiking Companion.)  I am grateful for his love, patience, companionship, humor, sexiness etc.
  20. And again, I am grateful for sunshine.
  21. I am grateful for poetry and art, for dance and theater.
  22. I am glad I can walk.
  23. I am grateful for birds and frogs and all the animals of the world.
  24. I am grateful for tigers and glad they are elsewhere.  (Tyger Tyger, Burning bright, in the forests of the night . . . )(Yowie!)
  25. same with sharks, lions, rattlesnakes etc
  26. I am glad I am relatively safe.  And that my loved ones are also relatively safe.  (I wish everyone was.)
  27. I am grateful for Van Gogh.  Camille.  Picasso.  Grandma Moses.  Michaelangelo.  etc
  28. water
  29. Air
  30. The earth
  31. Tai Chi
  32. Food.  Good food.  Enough food.
  33. My weight  loss so far this year.
  34. buds.  Opening.
  35. Color.  Opportunities to learn.  Wikipedia.  The internet.

I may add more later if I have time.  It did cheer me up a little.  Also to know I could go on and on and do so honestly!


bluerose said...

It's time for me to work on my list for this week, too. I've been feeling depressed, too.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I think it will HELP! Let me know if it does!