Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gratitude List 5-10-08

Fractal Flowers thanks to Apophysis.

Things I'm grateful for this week:

  1. Benadryl extra strength anti-itch gel for poison ivy rashes - very, very grateful!
  2. Extra strength Ibuprofen, because it knocks me out when I'm on my period.
  3. Saturdays when I don't have to see anybody or do anything, while I'm itchy, bloated, cramping, and very ornery.
  4. Free internet programs to make me forget about my orneriness,
  5. And, of course, flowers to inspire me.
  6. I'm grateful to have a job I love,
  7. A roof over my head,
  8. And enough money to buy groceries,
  9. Also for free therapy via the internet.
  10. It just seems like there should be 10 items on this list, so I'm going to mention my car. There's no other way to get around here where I live, and I just love my little Honda.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

A nice gratitude list and SUPER fractals! I'm so glad that you have some things to be grateful for in spite of period and poison ivy. :-D

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Having a job you love is a real blessing! YAY!

bluerose said...

These are the times when we need to write these lists the most, huh?

I had to work with my clients barefoot all week, because I can't wear shoes. The stuff is still spreading! It's good to have a job that allows me to do that.