Friday, May 9, 2008

Vision Map #1

I've been working all day on poetry for my reading tomorrow and
between that and meals and other commitments, I haven't had any spare

It's after midnight and I MUST go to bed. But before I do, I wanted
to do a vision map, my first one. I hope to do a series of these. I
love the idea!

They should make good (if somewhat crude) illustatrations for this blog, LOL!

This one is very simple. I am visualizing a spirit healer, part of
the great Goddess (or part of God, if you prefer), standing on a high
peak sending down healing rays to heal the earth and individual

For me personally, I visualize myself healing to a degree of radiant
good health where I can energetically and happily do my work in the

And the world is healing too.

(I made this quickly. I used only my rather awkward mouse to draw with.)


bluerose said...

What a wonderful vision! I look forward to seeing more. You've motivated me to try and include a positive visual with my grattitude list. Working on my vision map was a really positive exercise for me.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I like it too, mmmm, healing rays. Yay healing.

(Now, if I could just SLEEP!)

carla said...

Nikki - this is so full of positive energy! I am immediately struck by the sun imagery that encompasses the world with its arm-like rays! Thank you for sharing this:>
