Saturday, May 17, 2008

Moral Inventory

  1. I have no motivation or enthusiasm for life. I give up too easily.
  2. I don't focus on the positive enough. I'm too easily overwhelmed by the negative and beat myself up.
  3. I spend too much time escaping. Daydreaming is my new drug, and I tend to isolate myself because of it. Also, I tend to put art before chores and duties, like Nikki, when I can motivate myself to do it.

These character flaws are making it impossible for me to function in life. It affects my ability to focus on my work. It's affecting me physically, leaving me constantly exhausted and aching. It's destroying me financially.

Ok, now for the traits that help me:

  1. I'm a survivor. In spite of my doom and gloom outlook, I always seem to find the strength to get by.
  2. I have very strong will power. When I put my mind to it, I can do anything, like quitting drugs, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, refined foods, etc.. I can change my life, and have several times.
  3. I care. I care enough to want to change myself, and to want to help others.

Unfortunately, motivation can't be created by sheer determination, strength, or will power. It's usually the other way around. Motivation is created by desire. How can I care enough to want to change my life, but not enough to want to live life? I make all these changes, but it get's me nowhere closer to happiness.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

This is a very good start. And boy don't I know what you mean! I have the same set of issues, nearly identically, LOL! (Only it isn't really funny!) And unfortunately I don't have any answers for either of you!!!!!

I know what they SAY when you're depressed: get up in the morning and do what you have to do.

I too tend to put art before work.

This is NOT a good thing. Some sort of appropriate balances is needed, but I am not sure how to achieve it! (I'm not being very helpful, sorry!)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I just opened the book, The Courage to Change to today's reading and this is part of what it says:

"The Twelve Steps do not presume to solve every problem or cure every illness. They are remarkably effective dealing with issues of recovery, but sometimes you may need to seek help outside the twelve steps in addition to working them."

I wonder if that was a coincidence or something meant for us today! Hmmm.

I know you are doing other things to try to heal and that is all to the good. Have you ever tried Reiki? T'ai Chi?