Thursday, May 15, 2008

Using Again! :-(

I had a serious binge a few nights ago!  :-(

It was my first real binge in a LONG time.

I had insomnia and I was angry but forgot to think about HALT!  Hungry angry lonely tired.  Yeah, all of the above.

I went down in the middle of the night and ate most of a bag of marshmallows, crackers and butter, macaroni and cheese.  AK!

The good news is that I did not continue to binge the next day or the next!  That's what I used to do.  But I need to be extra vigilant and try to regain my abstinence!!  AK!


bluerose said...

You didn't continue the binge... Yea!!! Your improving :]

Keep hangin' in there. You'll regain your abstinence.

[the cheering section is yelling, "go vigilance, rah, rah!"]


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I did have another binge, though. Two days agao, I ate a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's cinnamon Bun icecream--and I'm allergic to ice cream. But the next day I was GOOD! AK!