Monday, April 14, 2008

Discussion Topic: Another Recovery?

We all have another drunk/binge/bet left in us, but we don't know if we have another recovery.

In Old HomeTown, I used to attend OA meetings, al-anon meetings, and sometimes AA meetings.  At one point, I had a nice recovery going.  Something happened to my recovery that was partly but not entirely my fault.  I was hiking alone in the woods and a bear got my food. I wasn't able to get it high enough in the trees--I thought I had, but I hadn't. 

I had carefully packed abstinent food.  Other hikers donated some food to tide me over to the next place where I could get food, but that food wasn't abstinent for me.  And the truth is, since that time, I have never succeeded in getting entirely clean and abstinent in the food department.  Earlier this year (January and February), I was almost there, but I slipped.  And crashed.  And can't seem to get back.  I'm hovering on the edge of abstinence, but keep falling off, a common pattern for me.

I hope I have another recovery in me.  I want to be lean, healthy, whole, and sane, and I can't be this way.

I need to take one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, if necessary.  And be abstinent this day, this hour, this minute.  So far, so good today.  I am abstinent today so far.  I need to STAY that way.

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