Friday, April 25, 2008

New jeans, diet report

Fridays are my official weigh-in days, and I am up one tenth of a pound from last week, and down from the week before.  While a tenth of a pound isn't much one way or the other, the trend lately has been a bit of a plateau.  I want to jump start losing again!  One thing is:  I had three meals yesterday.  I had terrible insomnia and was up ALL NIGHT and got hungry and ate an additional small meal--at least it was a healthy one and not a "bad" one.  And small.  I think I had a fully abstinent day yesterday, that is, I ate nothing I wasn't supposed to eat.  OOps, nope, I had a bottle of beer with my wings,  The wings (and beer) were probably responsible for the all-night insomnia.  OK, never mind.

That was because we went to Piano Boy's meet, but got there late because he told us the wrong location and missed his run, which is just as well, because he injured himself and came in last and lost his varsity status.  So we went out for pizza and wings, AK, because by then it was late.  (And Piano Boy's injury is interfering with piano.)

But the small piece of good news is that I bought two pairs of Carhardtt jeans last night, and they were a size smaller than I've been waring and fit me fine..  The others had gotten too loose (LaTrec).  I do not look a bit different, I look fat and old, but hey, smaller jeans are something good, right?

Lots of flowers here now!  YAY!  Tulips and daffodils and hyacinths and forsythia and violets everywhere and two kinds of trout lilies and hepaticas etc etc. YAY!  Turtles out and frogs out--no snakes yet!  Sunshine and rain and spring-like weather.  Wahoo!

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