Friday, April 18, 2008




Hungry Angry Lonely Tired!  Be careful.  Stop!  Pay attention.  Be vigilant! 

I have ADHD.  It's a form of ADHD which I guess is fairly common where I have particular trouble transitioning from one activity to the next.  I'm extremely distractable while between, but once I get going, I an have enormous powers of concentration.  Taking that first step is crucial.  Or, conversely, avoiding that first step.

Today, I got busy on a project as I often do and "forgot" to eat.  I didn't really forget, but I was busy and just kept postponing it.

Add to the mix TIREDness from really bad insomnia last night, and loneliness from lack of friends and company since I moved here, and that's an explosive and dangerous mix!

Sure enough, when I finally did eat, I couldn't stop--I was so hungry.  I scarfed down the breakfast I had planned and then, without even taking a breath, scarfed down the lunch I had planned.  If was after lunch time and I ate no "bad" food (nothing I'm allergic to as far as I know).  My food was abstinent, but my behavior was not.  And my total food consumption per unit time was too much too fast.

I need to try not to let myself get that hungry by eating at appropriate times.  For some reason, I have a problem with this.  AK!

Now I feel stuffed, uncomfortable and bummed out.

Last night, I had bad insomnia and was up during the night and at one of my trigger/abstinent foods:  raw biscuit dough--soemthing I love to gorge myself on.  It's the first time I've done that in a while, but I didn't have very much.  Thank goodness.  I didn't really binge.  A slip and a binge aren't the same, and binges are much worse.  Still, no slips are much better.  My addictions are feeling threatened by my working the twelve steps!  LOL! 


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

One day at a time, one minute at a time. When you slip, start over immediately!

bluerose said...

This post is informative. HALT, slip vs. binge, and ADHD. I've been told that I was ADD, but I never really believed it. I do tend to be all or nothing on activities. Either I'm so focussed that I wouldn't hear someone talking to me, if they were standing right next to me, or I can't remember what I was doing.

I can't tell you how many clients who have come to me for weight loss, will go all day without eating, and then pig out at dinner. At first, they don't believe me when I tell them that they will lose weight when they start eating breakfast and lunch. They can't see how eating more will help them lose weight, but when they try it, they find they're not as hungry at dinner, and have more energy. This self destructive eating habit is accepted as normal by most people in this country, and I used to be one of them.

Most of them complain that they have meetings and conferences that get in the way, so I tell them to keep a jar of nuts and a piece of fruit at their desks, for when they don't have time to eat.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I actually understand that, but doing it is another thing.

Like right now it is 10:00 and I've been up a couple hours and haven't eaten--I'm not trying to fast, I just keep doing stuff. BAD HABIT!

The all or nothing kind of concentration is a symptom of ADHD or ADD. I supposedly have ADHD, which I didn't believe either, partly for the same reason. And I am not hyperactive at all. Not so as you'd NOTICE anyway.