Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sun and Shadows

Sometimes I need to remind myself that in life there are both sun and shadows. I'm like the Christmas Rose pictured here, bright and cheerful in the sunshine of life, and downcast in the shadows. But it is all a part of the yin and tang of life, the greet wheel of balance.

And it is also part of attitude and I sometimes need an attitude adjustment!

One time, I saw a sunny spot in the gloom, a ray of sun, shining on just one house. The next day, I say a house, a different house, with a dark cloud directly over it. This was in the real phenomenal world, but I think I saw it to remind me that we can create our own sunshine and our own gloom by our attitudes.

An attitude of gratitude is helpful! :-D

1 comment:

bluerose said...

I'm going to work on a gratitude post next.